Guidelines for Communal Discernment and Action
to Address the National CrisisThe Context
1. The ZTE-NBN controversy has once again raised questions about abuse of power
and systemic corruption in the government of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
(GMA). This is just the most recent in a series of events that indicates a worrisome
pattern of behavior in government, particularly of anomaly and cover-up, leading to
the weakening of Philippine democratic institutions. Among these are the “Hello
Garci” scandal, the fertilizer scam, the promulgation of calibrated preemptive
response (CPR), EO 464 and PP 1017, the unresolved extrajudicial killings and
disappearances of activists and media practitioners, the undermining of impeachment
proceedings, the pursuit of self-serving charter change, and the lack of a decisive
response by the government to the farmers of Sumilao, Bukidnon due to political
compromises in the implementation of agrarian reform. Good governance and longterm
reform are being sacrificed for short-term political survival.
2. Many Filipinos are outraged by this situation because of what appears to be a
deliberate suppression of truth, and the refusal of the government to be made
accountable. Many also feel confused and powerless, leading to a sense of
hopelessness and deepening distrust of political leaders and institutions. There is a
real danger that citizens will become disempowered and disengage themselves from
politics. At the same time, there are also those whose frustrations have led them to
join armed insurgent groups or are seriously considering insurrectionary and other
unconstitutional options because of the inability of government to effectively address
the issues of the poor and respond to the call for truth and accountability. Then
there are some members of the economic and political elite, who out of pragmatic
considerations, have adopted a “wait-and-see” position and have therefore not
helped in providing clear leadership in terms of clarifying the issues and options.
These include the politicians who are potential presidential candidates in the 2010
3. While there is anger and despair because of what is happening to the country, there
are also possibilities that have opened up with the recent events, for bringing about
serious and much-needed changes in the political and governance institutions and
culture of the country. How we respond as a people to this crisis will determine
whether we can make the most of this opportunity for a renewal of Philippine
Diversity of Responses
4. Part of the reality of the present crisis is the diversity of views and even division
among people, across and within sectors, in their analyses of and reactions to the
situation. Therefore, it is important to note the range of political positions and
options among those who have responded. This range represents a continuum, that
allows a capture of the essential differences across groups, while at the same time
recognizing that there are real overlaps among the positions and those who represent
a. “The economy is good. Let’s move on.” The Arroyo government and its
allies insist on projecting a picture of a growing economy, on the one hand,
which is undermined by unnecessary and debilitating “political noise,” on the
other hand, created by “partisan” groups whose only agenda is to unseat the
President. This type of politics is seen as bad, not just for economic growth,
but also for addressing the poverty problem because it is the poor who are
most affected by political instability. Therefore in this view, the country must
move on, since it argues that the administration has a mandate to rule until
2010. Likewise, there are those who may not explicitly support GMA, but
believe that given the alternatives, the President represents the lesser evil.
Effectively, they do not support any moves to hold the government
b. “All politicians are corrupt. Let’s focus on jobs, services and the poor.”
Some business associations, socio-civic organizations and faith-based groups
are highly cynical of national politics or have given up on it altogether, and
thus do not see it as the avenue for meaningful change. They concentrate on
what they see as the more important tasks of job-creation and servicedelivery
(e.g., housing, health, education). They believe that what they are
doing has more long-term impact because they address the more basic issues
of poverty and hopelessness, which breed corruption and a culture of
c. “Let the 2010 elections resolve the crisis.” Strict rule-of-law advocates
hold that President Arroyo legitimately won the 2004 elections, even if there
are serious and impeachable questions of cheating. They believe in
accountability through constitutional mechanisms like an independent factfinding
commission, impeachment and ultimately elections. In this
perspective, there is no doubt that the search for truth must be pursued, even
as they believe that the crisis can only be eventually and truly resolved
through the electoral exercise scheduled for 2010.
d. “Bring out the truth, hold GMA accountable, and work for reform.”
There are faith-based and civil society organizations that call for “truth,
accountability and reform,” emphasizing concrete measures like resolving the
issue of executive privilege, calling for an independent counsel (with
investigative and prosecutorial powers), pushing for possible impeachment,
and advocating long-term reforms pertaining to freedom of information and
transparency, electoral and civil service reform, and social justice (especially
agrarian reform). These initiatives are meant to provide constructive ways for
people to participate in meaningful democratic governance and institutionbuilding.
e. “No real reform is possible under GMA.” There are prominent concerned
individuals and groups who also adopt a truth-accountability-and-reform
framework, but are more emphatic that a precondition for genuine long-term
reform is holding President Arroyo directly accountable for the undermining
of institutions. Thus, they would tend to be more explicit in taking a
principled position that the government should step down, and that a
succession should hew as much as possible to the Constitution.
f. “Oust GMA.” Various groups from both the Left and the Right of the
political spectrum, many of them not sharing a long-term agenda, are
tactically coming together on the objective of ousting the Arroyo
government, even through extra-constitutional means. This may take the
form of an EDSA-like people power, military withdrawal of support, a
Cabinet coup, or some combination thereof. They are not in agreement on
who or what should assume power in the aftermath of an Arroyo ouster.
Some may accept Vice President Noli de Castro taking over, while others
prefer special elections (on the premise that the Vice President will also step
down or be made to do so) or “snap elections” or an interim civilian-military
junta that will put key reforms in place and oversee a return to constitutional
government. It is important to note that groups on the Left recognize the
need for bringing in more long-term structural reform, beyond merely
replacing the President.
Non-negotiable Principles
5. Given these and other options that may be taken, it is important to identify some
non-negotiables, for more thoughtful and responsible communal discernment and
a. Uphold the truth. Truth, especially regarding cases of graft and corruption,
cannot be sacrificed in the name of stability. Stability that is the product of
unresolved issues tends to be shallow and short-lived, as the credibility and
capacity of institutions designated to pursue the truth are weakened, and
other cases of corruption surface again and again. Moreover, this situation
contributes to the reinforcement of a culture of impunity.
b. Exact accountability. Government must be held accountable by the
people, for all its actions and decisions, in all policy areas, and at every point
of its stay in power. This means that the exacting of accountability should
not take place only at the time of elections because democracy cannot be
confined to the single act of casting a vote, but is a continuing process of
citizen participation. Nevertheless, elections are also a core mechanism of
accountability, especially since the present political crisis is linked to
unresolved questions of electoral cheating. Part of the response necessary at
this time involves the rebuilding of public trust and confidence in
institutional mechanisms of accountability.
c. Pursue meaningful reforms. Even in situations of crisis, efforts at electoral,
bureaucratic, and social reform should not cease because many of the
country’s problems are really of a structural and institutional nature, needing
continuing transformation. There is a need to recognize the problems and
propose concrete solutions.
d. Build and strengthen democratic institutions. The country needs to
establish and fortify democratic institutions, which provide consistent,
organized and self-regulating procedures, applied to all citizens equally.
Among these institutions are due process, civilian supremacy, rule of law,
checks and balances. While Philippine democracy is still flawed, the genuine
gains that came with the dismantling of the Marcos dictatorship and the
restoration of democratic institutions should not be lost. The alternatives
(e.g. a military junta, a civilian-military authoritarian regime, a communist
government) are even more unstable, unpredictable, unsustainable, and
potentially harmful. A second democratic breakdown, moreover, will be
much more difficult to undo. Strong democratic institutions can likewise help
address the present conditions of real divisions among Filipinos. By
providing agreed-upon rules and mechanisms which are accepted as credible
and fair, institutions facilitate the peaceful resolution of conflicts among
dissenting positions and approaches.
e. Promote responsible and engaged citizenship. Moral outrage in the
present moment is called for, and is critical for a committed response; but it
must also lead to a serious and responsible consideration of consequences
for the medium and long term. Hopefully, such a responsible and engaged
citizenship will lead to the transformation of the present culture of one-sided
dependency on leaders. The country’s problems have been reinforced by
generations of patronage that have led Filipinos to depend disproportionately
on those who have more resources and more power, in politics and society at
large, in the Church, and even in the ordinary barrio or baranggay.
f. Champion active nonviolence and protect human rights. Action is to be
guided by principles of active nonviolence. “Violence is evil… violence is
unacceptable as a solution to problems…. Violence destroys what it claims to
defend: the dignity, the life, the freedom of human beings” (Compendium of the
Social Doctrine of the Church, 496). Human and civil rights must always be
respected and promoted (Centesimus Annus, 22). Any coercive means is
unacceptable, including forms of harassment, detention without due process,
and policies that seriously undermine the freedom of the press and the right
to self-expression and organization.
g. Prioritize the poor. The real and urgent concerns of the poor should be
given highest priority amidst all efforts to search for the truth and promote
accountability. If many Filipinos seem to be uninvolved or uninterested, it is
primarily because of an overriding concern for economic survival during very
hard times. Indeed, the search for the truth is integrally linked to the fate of
the poor. Corruption and dishonesty have made the lot of the poor worse.
Programs and initiatives from both government and the private sector to
address poverty and inequality, and to respond to the urgent needs of the
poor, in fields such as education, health, housing, livelihood and the
environment should continue to be supported, and indeed intensified.
h. Engage and involve the youth. It is important that all activities should seek
to involve the youth, and harness their energies, especially for truly
sustainable reforms and institution-building. Significantly, recent events have
awakened many young Filipinos and stirred them to become more politically
involved. Today, there is an opportunity to do political education and
mobilization of the youth on a scale not seen for many years.
Analysis of Options
6. Given these guiding non-negotiable principles, the different positions and options
presented above can now be reviewed, in order to help build common ground and
move towards a consensus on how best to respond to the ZTE-NBN scandal and
the broader political crisis:
“There is no problem with GMA.”
a. Business as usual, status quo. Not holding government accountable in any
way is unacceptable. “Political authority is accountable to the people….
Those who govern have the obligation to answer to the governed”
(Compendium, 408, 409). The nature of the allegations of corruption in this
particular case is so serious, that any government with some sense of
responsibility to its citizens cannot but respond, to work towards establishing
the truth beyond any major question or doubt, and so confirm its legitimacy.
“Political corruption… betrays both moral principles and the norms of social
justice.” (Compendium, 411) Moreover, there is much truth to the view that
fighting corruption is not against the economy. Indeed, corruption is antidevelopment
and anti-poor.
“GMA is not the main problem.”
b. Give up on politics. Among those who hold this position include a range
that spans from the exhausted, to the cynical, to the apathetic. All of them
move towards a position that views all politicians as being equally selfinterested.
Effectively, none of them focuses on GMA as the problem. Such
a view that disengages from all politics and does not identify concrete points
of action and reform only contributes to the sense of hopelessness and
paralysis. At all times, participation in the social and political realms, either as
individuals or as members of organizations, is a duty to be fulfilled with
responsibility and with a view to the common good (Compendium, 189).
c. Focus on the delivery of services to the grassroots. The preferential
option for the poor necessitates a long-term perspective on development
beyond mere regime change. It also makes the delivery of services to the
grassroots essential, regardless of who is in power. Thus, those who have
opted to concentrate on this course of action are to be commended.
However, while citizen-involvement in particular areas of social development
and local politics is a form of participation, they will always be constrained by
large-scale anomalies and abuse of power on the national political level. All
citizens must work towards the eradication of the evils of patronage politics
and national political corruption, in order to promote the common good.
“How does one address the GMA problem?”
d. Call on GMA to resign. There are individuals and groups who have been
calling for President Arroyo’s resignation since 2005 and continue to hold
that position as a matter of principle. At that time, the CBCP itself
recognized the call for the President’s resignation, as well as for a “Truth
Commission” and impeachment, as legitimate options under the guiding
principles of accountability, constitutionality, non-violence and effective
governance. While the bishops did not call on President Arroyo to step
down, they asked her to discern “to what extent she might have contributed
to the erosion of effective governance and whether the erosion is so severe
as to be irreversible.” Therefore, those who in conscience have made a
decision that the President should not remain in office deserve respect. Their
call for her to resign voluntarily is one of the options provided for in the
Constitution. However, it also needs to be pointed out that while this
position is one of principled moral conviction, it ceases to be a real political
option if GMA remains resolute that she will not resign voluntarily.
e. Cabinet declaration of incapacity of the President. The Constitution
provides that a majority of Cabinet members can declare in writing to the
Senate President and the House Speaker that “the President is unable to
discharge the powers and duties of his [her] office” (Article VII, Section 11).
This is a constitutional way of removing a President who is seen to be
physically or mentally incapacitated, but the meaning of this provision may
be interpreted more broadly. This is one scenario for an “internal or Palace
coup” within the GMA regime. But such decisions on regime change tend to
be elitist, as they are dependent on so few people. This declaration can be
challenged, however, by the President, in which case Congress may confirm
the Cabinet decision by a two-thirds vote of the two houses of Congress
voting separately. Note that this requirement is even more stringent than the
one-third percentage required for the House of Representatives to send an
impeachment complaint to the Senate for trial.
f. Oust GMA. When faced with the President’s refusal to resign voluntarily,
those who are willing to push the demand for her to step down to the point
of employing even extra-constitutional means must be reminded that
democratic institutions may be harmed in the long-term, especially if a
political vacuum is created for groups with an anti-democratic, adventurist or
power-grabbing agenda to try to seize power and hold on to it indefinitely.
g. People Power. People power is a precious legacy from the struggle against
the dictatorship and the restoration of democracy in the Philippines. EDSA I
was the culmination of a long process of political education, organization and
mobilization throughout the martial law years and especially during the nearly
three years after the assassination of former Senator Benigno Aquino. Active
nonviolence was a defining characteristic of EDSA People Power. It is
enshrined in the Constitution, which values initiatives from below as a way of
harnessing the direct participation of the people in politics and governance.
In its current usage, however, it is problematic because it is often equated
with popular insurrection and takeover as a method of regime change. This
creates a dynamic where crisis situations continue to be resolved through
extra-constitutional means which are not predictable, weaken democratic
institutions and install leaders with questionable mandates. Thus an endless
series of EDSA’s spells serious instability.
h. Snap elections. Any call for “snap elections” would be extra-constitutional,
since there is no such provision in the present charter. What the Constitution
provides for is the holding of “special elections,” should vacancies arise in
the offices of both the President and the Vice President. Therefore, those
who are advocating this option presume that both the President and Vice
President will step down or will be made to do so. Moreover, special
elections before 2010 without meaningful preparation and electoral reforms
will only lead to a contest between those already entrenched in power and
thus will not produce genuine change.
i. Military intervention. Some have called for an interventionist role of the
military to effect regime change. While recognizing that there are reformminded
members of the military who have a genuine concern for the good of
the country, military intervention in whatever form must be eschewed,
especially in the present context of a weak Philippine democracy. Allowing
the military to become the arbiter to resolve political conflicts and stalemates
undermines civilian supremacy, long-term democratization and political
j. An Independent Counsel. Some have called for an independent institution
with the credibility and capacity for investigating and prosecuting
government corruption at the highest levels. This proposal has been made
because some see the Senate investigations as partisan, while the
Ombudsman is overloaded with corruption cases and is perceived as partial
to the government in power, given its recent track record. For this option to
prosper, however, three difficult issues need to be addressed: (i) creating such
a body through a law approved by Congress, (ii) defining the scope of its
power and responsibilities, especially in relation to the Ombudsman, and (iii)
giving it real autonomy, particularly from the President, who would be the
appointing official.
k. Impeachment. This mechanism is provided for by the Constitution to exact
accountability from the President. It is also a way by which allegations can be
verified, thus giving the President a fair hearing and an opportunity to defend
herself. However, impeachment will only work if people are willing to
participate actively in pushing for and making sure that this process is
effective (e.g. sustained lobbying, pressuring their representatives in Congress
to prioritize the search for truth and accountability). Thus, it can provide
excellent opportunities for active political participation, especially for citizens
outside Metro Manila.
“How does one go beyond GMA?”
l. Elections. The forthcoming elections in 2010 will be critical. Not only will a
new president be chosen, but this national exercise will also be crucial in the
restoration of trust in the democratic system and the emergence of a new
alternative leadership. It is imperative that they are conducted freely, honestly
and credibly. Furthermore, there is a need for responsible citizens to organize
around candidates, leaders and parties who are upright and capable, and who
can contribute positively to the strengthening of weak institutions.
Action Points
7. It is precisely during times of great upheavals and crises that the call to hope
becomes more urgent. Desperation and cynicism cannot be allowed to eat up
people’s inner resources. To move forward from this crisis means identifying and
pursuing specific forms of action, such as: (a) joining circles of ongoing reflection
and discernment, and efforts at political education and organization, including
training in anti-corruption advocacy (Ehem) and active nonviolence; (b) supporting
institutional efforts to get to the truth and creating a broader climate of truth-telling
which encourages and protects whistleblowers; (c) joining activities that promote
accountability; (d) articulating long-term ideals and policies for national political
reform; and (e) establishing sectoral and multi-sectoral organizations and networks to
promote dialogue and concerted action.
Concretely, eight action areas fall within the range of options which are consistent
with the principles identified above, especially the need to build strong democratic
institutions and promote engaged citizenship for socio-political reform:
a. Support for the ongoing Senate investigation of the ZTE-NBN case not only
to bring out the whole truth on matters of public interest but also to strengthen
the institutional system of checks and balances that seek to prevent the abuse of
b. Creation of a credible Independent Counsel , in order to ferret out the veracity
of various allegations and promote accountability within the judicial system, in
which unfortunately many of the official institutions are seen as severely
compromised politically. Thus there is a need for an institutional venue and
mechanism that will be viewed as autonomous of the government currently in
power and free of the antics of traditional politicians.
c. Initiation of a genuine impeachment process, particularly by pressuring
Representatives in the House to hold the President accountable for serious
violations of public trust if there are sufficient bases for doing so.
d. Pursuit of reforms towards government transparency in all its transactions,
especially in processes like procurement, decisions on loans, development
projects, social reforms, and on issues such as mining, energy and land use that
have a profound impact on poor communities and the environment. There is a
need to ensure rigorous implementation of laws and policies, the
institutionalization of a culture of social accountability, free access to
information, and the enhanced participation of civil society in governance
decisions at all levels.
e. Promotion of electoral reforms to ensure the conduct of clean, honest, and
credible elections in 2010, including the revamp of the Comelec, beginning with
the appointment and confirmation of commissioners of unquestioned integrity
and competence; the modernization of the electoral system; the eradication of
warlordism; the monitoring of campaign finance and expenditure; and the
continuing political education of voters.
f. Search for worthy candidates and potential leaders, parties/coalitions and
platforms for 2010, through positive preparations, planning and strategizing.
This would mean clarifying political values and development priorities, candidate
selection and recruitment, resource mobilization, and political organizing.
g. Organization of and support for basic sectors, to enable them to have a real say
in democratic processes and to address the urgent needs of economic
development and social justice.
h. Engagement of the youth in current issues, through political education,
organization and mobilization for democratic institution-building, lobbying for
transparency and accountability, policy reform, and involvement in electoral
8. These specific and concrete calls for action are not isolated and discrete but are
precisely interconnected in a framework that seeks to promote truth, accountability
and reform. They address gross injustices in the country through active citizen
participation that will support and be supported by efforts at political education,
organization, mobilization and network-building in order to strengthen and
transform democratic political institutions under the Constitution.
Responding to the Call for Communal Discernment, Conversion and Action
9. We offer these guidelines as a response to the call of our bishops for “circles of
discernment” to “pray together, reason together, decide together, act together.” We
trust that these reflections help clarify the context, principles and options for people
– especially the youth – who seek to respond in action to the current crisis rather
than succumb to the temptations of despair. For as Pope Benedict XVI has said, “All
serious and upright human conduct is hope in action” (Spe Salvi 35).
Philippine Province of the Society of Jesus
Commission on the Social Apostolate
Easter Sunday, 23 March 2008
Albert E. Alejo, S.J.
Xavier C. Alpasa, S.J.
Anna Marie A. Karaos
Antonio M. La ViƱa
Jose Cecilio J. Magadia, S.J.
Antonio F. Moreno, S.J.
Ermin B. Pimentel
Karel S. San Juan, S.J.
Benjamin T. Tolosa, Jr.
Primitivo E. Viray, Jr., S.J.
Peter W. Walpole, S.J.
Roberto C. Yap, S.J.