i've been struggling the past weeks to try something new.
to try something that will spark my interest and get me fit.
So I've chosen, to belly dance this evening.
boy, did i sway my hips, throw my head in circles, stretch my left and right leg,
swing my head, controlled my butt muscles, stand in good posture, pointed my toes, tuck my chest, collapse my stomach, and shake my butt!
it isn't easy i tell ya!
after attending 2 sessions, i bow in awe to shakira!
belly dancing requires you to separate your muscles and its movements.
it really is a good way to tone your legs, hips,butt, and yes-your belly.
After that, i joined the flamenco class.
it also requires proper coordination and timing.
a dance that needs accurate counting for you to execute the steps properly.
it is also graceful, and very formal.

you know what i realized,how much i love tennis and how much i miss playing it.
while dancing the flamenco, i can't help but look at the watch to see how many minutes more before the session ends. whereas, with tennis, i wish, i can stretch the day and hold the sun still to play a little longer.
my legs were hurting while dancing, and i was berating myself why i ever took the class.
whereas when playing tennis, i don't mind if my arms hurt like they were dislocated, or when i keep on puffing and breathing deeply for air, even if it feels like my ribs are exploding.
it was really something new that i tried, and something old that affirmed and fueled my love and i guess my passion for playing sports, especially tennis.
i am no pro.
but all i know, is i want to keep on playing it while my knees and my body are still strong and are still in place. it's an area of my life which really challenges me to keep on improving.

1. you have to risk to realize
2. (the instructor told us) when you struggle, it means you have a passion.
and with that, i was calmed.

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