visit www.entrepbuff.com
If God was an entrepreneur, my golly! He would have made millions-no, make it billions, even trillions!
He is the Champ!
Last week, I went with my parents to the
Sometimes, I think,the church is a good place to learn business.
If God has been selling faith, boy! Did He capture all the segments of all markets.
Let’s see, at Baclaran, there are people about the age of a grandmother, and a grandfather.
There are groups of teen-agers mostly females.
A husband and a wife.
A single man and a woman.
A father, a mother.
A pregnant mom.
A doctor. A nursing student. A teacher. An engineer perhaps.
A sister, an aunt.
An uncle. A friend. A brother.
A student, a young professional.
Children- girls and boys.
There are those who went there with their cars and their SUVs. There are those who went there barefooted. Some were just wearing slippers and used it as kneeling pad as they pray their way to the altar. On the other hand, some rode public transport vehicles to make their prayers heard.
In short, everyone, from all walks of life, is there.
Everyone doing one common thing- praying.
Husband and wife could be praying for a long and lasting relationship or for the kids to finish schooling. From here, we can offer marriage enhancing seminars or for kids, school insurance for kids.
A single man and woman could be praying to find their partners in life.
From here, we can offer events like meeting people. Dating, etc. and what are other things that go with dating? Hmm.. fine dining place, flowers, chocolates. Author a book how to meet the right guy for you.
How about the babies and the infants? Let’s see, clothes, stroller, toys of course! milk, feeding bottles.
Lola and lolo can be offered health products, or leisure and recreational activities. It’s their time to prolong their life and enjoy life more.
And come to think of if, whatever age bracket, gender, or status in life, we are all praying for things that will make our lives worry-free and convenient.
And it is amazing, how we all have our faith. Faith, that we did not buy from a mall or from online shop.
But God loves us so much, He gave faith to us for free!
We keep using faith in our everyday lives.
And as what they say, when you believe in something, you know you can make it happen. And maybe, just like God believes in us and in the faith He taught us, that’s the reason why we keep on coming back to him and we will always be His loyal and regular customers.
It is my habit to dress up whenever my boyfriend and I go out on a date. I enjoy it, I don’t know why.
I really exert effort to look my best-and yeah be beautiful for him (I typed this smiling shyly). I plan what shirt or blouse, or dress to wear and even my shoes.
Undergoing all those preparation, sometimes, I expect him to be generous in complimenting me. Like, this color looks good on you, etc.
So, we went out, watched a good movie, ate dinner, laugh, have a nice silent walk, until we go home, I never heard, one single compliment.
I am surprised-tired even (for waiting and for preparing). But I don’t tell him.
Don’t get me wrong, he’s very wonderful and such a nice nice nice, loving man.
but as a girl, you know, you enjoy affirmation.
Sometimes, I think if I am just too sensitive or is it but natural to all girls be like that.
After reading the article below, I found the answer!
Aha! I’m not the only girl in the planet feeling that way.
So for you ladies who are waiting for your man to affirm you once in a while, this is for you.
You might not know that he has said it a lot of times, but we were not listening.
A Dating Guide for Women: "Man Talk" Translation
By David Wygant Special to Yahoo! Personals Updated: Jun 17, 2008
When you first look at a man and a woman, you are able to notice the subtle differences between the sexes. It is when the two sexes communicate with each other, however, that the differences become truly glaring. This is because one is speaking "he talk" while the other is speaking "she talk."
Where this difference really becomes a problem is when you are in a relationship, and you need to know how to combine "he talk" and "she talk" into "we talk." So I feel like it's my job as a man and as a dating coach to help women learn how to understand "he talk" (or "man talk" as I like to call it), so that they won't need to hire a translator to understand what men are saying.
Women want men to express their feelings. They complain, "Why can't he just say he loves me?" or, "I wish he would just compliment me more."
What you need to pay attention to and realize, though, is that men do tell you they love you and compliment you... they just do it using their own language. Men, in fact, sometimes don't use words at all when they are communicating with you.
This will help you understand men's verbal and non-verbal language.
Sometimes it's not what men say, but it's their actions that are significant.
Sometimes it's not what men say, but it's their actions that are significant. It is necessary for women to learn to interpret men's roundabout way of communicating with them.
Here are 10 things that men say and do, and what they really mean:
1. He starts talking about how crazy all his single friends lives are, and then he tells you that he doesn't miss it at all. What most women will think if they hear this, is that he misses those days. This is not true. He says this because he is looking for confirmation that you feel exactly the same way. He also wants to communicate that he's ready to take the relationship to the next level.
2. Since you recently took him to your family's house for dinner, he can't stop talking about how much fun he had with your brother. What he means here is that he really likes your family, and wouldn't mind being a part of your family.
3. He teases you about things like how clumsy you are or about how you put smiley faces in every one of your emails. What he's really telling you when he does this is that he really likes you a lot. Remember that men are just giant boys... we tease the ones we love and ignore the ones we don't.
4. A man tells you he needs his space. So what does this mean to you? It means that you need to ignore him and not call him. Men love the chase. By not calling him, he'll start calling you and wondering what happened.
5. A man says that he really wants you to meet his parents. What does this mean in man talk? He's telling you that you are his girlfriend, and that he is ready to take it to the next level by getting you involved with his family. This brings us right to the next bit of man talk.
6. When a man calls you and says, "I want you to meet my friends on Friday night," this is as big as meeting his parents. He's introducing you to his pack. It means that he thinks you are attractive and sexy, and he wants to show you off to his friends.
7. After sleeping over at his house several times, he tells you that the next time you sleep over you should bring some things to make you feel more comfortable and a change of clothing. In man talk, that is basically telling you that he's wondering what it would be like to live with you. He also wants your things around.
8. You have plans with him on a Sunday, and you find out that he passed up floor seats to his favorite basketball team to keep those plans with you. What does that tell you in man talk? It tells you that he's hooked... and that you are his girlfriend.
9. He is watching one of your favorite shows on a night you're not together, and he calls you afterwards to talk about it. In man talk, what does this mean? By doing this, he's telling you that he pays attention to you, and he's interested in learning more about you and sharing more things with you. Men generally do not choose to watch "Project Runway" on their own. If we're watching your TV shows, we really like you.
10. He tells you, "I've cleaned today." What this means in man talk is, "I spent the day doing something I dislike more than anything." You need to realize that when a man says this to you, he really likes you. To most men, cleaning the house is just about the worst way he can spend a day.
Once you understand the hidden language and actions of man talk, you'll become far more secure in your dating and relationships.
Once you understand the hidden language and actions of man talk, you'll become far more secure in your dating and relationships. So the next time you go over to your man's house and he looks at you and says, "I cleaned today," you'll know that he really meant to say, "I must really like you, because I can ignore my mess most of the time."
I have been religiously following the Grand Slams of tennis.
For all of us tennis fans- the battle over the clay courts has begun. It will pretty soon end and I bet you are anticipating and sending hoorays to your favorite picks!
I have been watching players whack, slam, slice and serve the ball at the 2008 Roland Garros.
Late last week, I watched Marat Safin play against Nikolay Davydenko.
The game ended in 3 sets.
Another defeat for Marat.
I read a write-up about him in the news section of the official site of the French Open, and it was said that he has a new coach – Hernan Gumy. It was written that coach Gumy was able to shape him up and bounce back to his confidence.
Aha! Marat’s mojo is back.
So much for the excitement, I found out the ant-climactic news.
Funny as it may sound, but I feel for Marat.
Can frustration vibrate and send waves from
Marat, as I saw him, is a dangerous son of tennis.
He’s so dangerous that he is a threat even to himself.
We saw Marat play and send his opponents home.
We saw him thump his racquets and smash it on his chair.
We saw him get fines and warnings from the referees.
We saw him act like a goof to make the fans smile.
We saw him rise, maintain his post, rise, and fall.
After the knee injury, there the problem began.
It’s sad to see him struggle to pass through all of those powerful players and post his name again on the list of the top seed.
It’s not that he doesn’t play well, in fact, he’s dangerous and aggressive as ever.
But maybe, his draws are pretty too premature.
Early this year, at the Australian Open, Marat displayed superb tennis against Cypriot Marcus Bagdhatis. He was able to redeem himself and catch up with the 2 last sets.
I was glued to the television wishing that he can slide through that stage and come back in the arena.
Unfortunately, he did not.
Well, I guess, Marat’s team – his sports psychologist, coach, mentor, family- has told him time and time and again, that you can not win all the time and you just have to keep on going.
As for me (a tennis player, but not a pro)- there are really times when your body and mind and let’s include the universe-are not in sync with one another, forcing you not to perform well. But, it doesn’t mean that it will be like that forever.
There’s always a chance to rise, and fall, and improve and rise again!
I wish him all the best!
i jumped off the cliff
so bravely.
I didn’t fear the heights
Or even what will catch me.
And I jumped.
And I fell.
And I fell.
I splashed in to the ocean.
And I continuously fall.
So deep.
It feels like drowning.
But I enjoy the water.
The coolness.
The unsteady current.
The gentle wave.
And I’m falling deeply.
I’m swimming in an ocean of vulnerability.
It drowns me
And it scares me.
But I don’t want to get out on the surface.
I was contemplating what title is apt for this essay. This emotional outpour of mine is a mix of feelings about lessons I learned in business, in being a friend and in being a complete stranger.
There are so many things running in my mind, like tangled strings. But as I talk to our common friends, I discover things about him, shocking things about him. Strings are slowly untangling, and everything boiled down to one thing, I’m furious at him, and he lost me- a friend for seven years- because of his lies, lies and more lies.
So let me start my story.
Let’s call my friend A.P. We are working together on this soap business. He told me, he had contacts with a big and popular resort in Pampanga where we can supply soaps. Excited as I was for a big opportunity, I immediately get my acts together to be able to deliver.
I ordered the soaps, printed materials and did all the jazz just to make sure that the soaps will land in the shelves of the resort. I encountered problems along the way, but what the heck, it’s part of business so I kept going. I troubled shoot all the glitches and was able to pull through—without any single help coming from him.
Alright, so finally, I was able to finish everything, and we agreed that I will deliver the soaps in his pad later, he will deliver it to the resort in Pampanga. That was like 3 weeks ago. I made sure that I will finish everything before the Holy week. Since Holy Week is the peak season of the vacation. That was March 19-20. I accomplished everything on March 17.
So there, I delivered the soaps to his pad.
I really waited for March 19 to come! And on that day, I texted him, what happened, did the soaps look good on the shelves? He told me, he wasn’t able to give the soaps to the resort, because his contact person is not returning his calls and texts. I told him, why don’t you just go to their office, anyway, they will just be there. His reply was, he went there and can’t leave the soap because no one will receive the items. That blew me! Really blew my patience off my body! Why, why, did not wait for the person then!? That moment, my instinct knocked on my door and told me something’s wrong. He’s lying. For someone in business, for someone who is grabbing all the opportunities that comes his way, that moment, that moment of no one’s receiving is a frustrating thing. Why did he not even tell me, right at that moment!?
A week had passed, and I kept on calling him asking how the soaps are. One reason, another reason, another reason again. And mind you, I texted him at 9:00am, he’ll answer me at 5:00pm, or even later, or even the following day. He told me one night, he’s in the hospital with his dad, checking their blood pressure, that they ate this strange fish. That his aunt had a heart attack, that he has to guard his cousins—which are at his age- 26! Bullshit!
I was texting him, so annoyingly, that even myself is annoyed by me. One day, he told me, his grandfather died. That he can’t attend to the business and that their family is still mourning. Fine, give him space.
A week later, I composed myself and texted him again.
No reply. After two days, no reply.
I recalled everyone I know who knows him. I found his girl best friend – let’s call her lady R.
Lady R. Told me that there are many people hunting AP down.
I found out from AP’s officemate that AP still has many unsettled issues with their office. And most of these, involve money. I also found out, that he owes his pad-mate rental fee. He wasn’t able to pay his rent for a couple of months. Now he’s in hiding. In Alabang.
I was able to get the number of AP’s sister and I asked her can I have the address of their aunt in Alabang. She told me, “I don’t know, I haven’t been there.” So, I asked for the aunt’s number to personally ask the address. The sister’s reply was “My aunt doesn’t know their address” what the fuck! As, in what the fuck! That’s nothing but simple bullshit! You don’t know where you live. You don’t know your address. How stupid a person can be to give me that answer!
I told the sister, ok, if you can’t give me any information, I’ll just report him to the police to finally track him down and end all this his nonsense.
And wait, here’s the best part- AP’s sister doesn’t know about the grandfather’s death! They were all in baguio, for a week! enjoying their vacation when AP told me, their family is mourning. What is that?! WHY?!
I am just so furious! Incredibly furious! I told my boyfriend about it, and I cried to him on the phone. It’s not about the soap, nor the money. But it’s about the time, the patience and the hard work I did just to be able to deliver. It was about the opportunity and the hopes. It was easy for him to throw it and neglect it just like that because, he did not work for it. It has so much, so much value for me. It’s only P8,000.00, but I worked hard for it. I really, really did! I begged him to give me back my soap. I begged, I begged, but it fell on deaf ears. How could he be so stone-hearted?! I’m begging for something I worked hard for.
That night, I was really in pain. For the first time, I knew the feeling of how it is to be betrayed- by a very close friend. AP lied to me. He lied to me. He duped me. Fooled me. Stretched my patience sooooooooo long that I grew tired to sympathize with him. I felt abused as a friend. AP hurt me--- so bad.
Now I know, why he told me that they don’t have a landline phone in Alabang. Why his pad-mate is not talking to him. Why his ex-officemates are talking about him. all those fabricated stories!
As for my soap, I will be able to get them back, with the help of Lady R. Lady R was so kind to call and text people who knows AP. The soaps were left in the apartment. It never reached Pampanga. So, it was not true, that AP went to Pampanga and no one’s there to receive it.
It was a painful experience.
I really cried my heart out that night.
I never thought that he’d lie to me-big time. That he’ll drag me to that kind of mess. That he’d make things difficult for me. Why did he lie to me? Why did he?! i knew he needed money. I gave him sidelines-writing segments for him to earn. I could have earned that money and write those segments, but I made way for him. So he can earn, and have means even for a short time. How dare him do this to me?
As I've aforementioned, I was contemplating, what title is apt for this essay.
At first, I thought, Business 101- never, never, ever, ever do business with friends.
Or, times change, people also do- because I thought I knew him well.
But, I’m just letting my emotions run at this moment- AP lost our friendship. AP lost me as a friend. I don’t know if I will trust him again.
If I were to relate it to business, it’s so true what they say, it takes a lot of time to gain one single customer, but it only takes a while to lose one.
I value more hard work now. I got the boost that I need, to be determined in building up my business. I know I can make it, I know I can!
Part of my prayer, is for God to help me be a good friend. Maybe, this is His answer.
As for you, AP- a wasted, wandering soul- you lost 7 years of friendship in just 3 short weeks.
What in heaven happened to you? grow up.